Nutrient Spotlight: Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been a hot topic for the past little while now. It is involved in many roles in our bodies, including our immune system, bone health, mood, and much more; in fact, inadequate levels of vitamin D have been linked to increased risk of many chronic conditions. 

Most North Americans are deficient without supplementation, as it may not be sufficient to just get from the food that we eat. We can get vitamin D from the sun as well; however, winters here may make it difficult, and sun safety must always be considered and followed. 

Supplementation can either be administered orally or intramuscularly (injected into the muscle to have a faster absorption and go into the bloodstream). Specifically, for oral vitamin D supplements, since it is a fat-soluble vitamin, this means we need dietary fats to absorb it properly, if the capsule or drops don’t already incorporate fats into it. 

The amount of vitamin D prescribed is dependent on your vitamin D levels. The least invasive way to check for vitamin D levels in our bodies is through bloodwork. One’s vitamin D levels can vary, and is dependent on the individual.  Naturopathic Doctors are able to make requisitions for an assortment of bloodwork items, and vitamin D is one of them. 

Have you ever gotten your vitamin D levels checked? 


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